Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Here is How We Fix the NFL.......

            Turn off your television sets. 
            Look away from the shamefulness of this damaged game. If you need sporting entertainment, there is quite an exciting pennant race going on in baseball.  It may seem impossible to do, yet it is the only way to get the real referees back.
Last night the integrity of football dissolved right before our eyes. The replacements made a call that cost somebody a game. Although the normal refs would have also faced a great deal of scrutiny for this call, they would have at least discussed the play first. Yet as much as you will yell, curse, and tweet, there is one harsh reality that for some reason many do not understand.
The NFL doesn’t give a crap about its fans. As long as you are still eating up whatever they serve, the league will continue to serve you the same previously digested pig meat.
Think about it. If you go to a restaurant and get poorly prepared food there are two courses of action. You could pitch a fit, throw your food at the waiter, demand a refund, and demand the restaurant makes certain staff changes. However, you will then be seen as a jerk and if you go back to that same restaurant, they will still serve you food that tastes like wet dog.
The other course of action is to not go. If enough people stop going to a restaurant, they have no choice but to make changes because they are bleeding revenue. The NFL has the exact same mindset.
It is tragically funny to see and hear talking heads act so shocked that multi-billion dollar cooperation doesn’t give a flying fudge about the fans they are supposed to be catering to. Steve Young of ESPN was the only one who seemed to get this very critical point. Everyone is yelling about the same thing, yet their cries of anguish will be ignored while the NFL bathes in its billions.
It is a basic fighting principal that hard must be met with soft to do more damage, and this is now a fight to get the real refs back. Everybody screaming at the league about the broken integrity of the game will be lost in the vacuum of NFL space. Instead, what must be done is the soft approach: turn off your television set.
That means that you the fans have to sacrifice in order to make the NFL listen.
This means no fantasy updates. No Tebow coverage. No are the Saints on the verge of implosion debates. Not even any complaining about how bad the replacement refs are. If you want your game to be fixed, you actually have to give something up in order to make that happen.
I know sacrificing something for the greater good sounds weird, but it must be done. Otherwise the NFL will continue to feed you the same crap for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
Do not fear. In this instance not watching your team will not make you any less of a fan. If you want the NFL to be fixed, you have to refuse to accept the product the league has sent out.
Otherwise you look stupid for giving that same terrible restaurant more of your money. 

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