Monday, March 11, 2013

Decoding the Jargon

Welcome to another installment of the sports terminology translation station.

Since Rosetta Stone hasn’t yet developed a ‘sports watchers to non sports watchers’ educational explanation software yet, the time has come to translate common sports terminology for those who don’t speak fluent ESPNeese.  

Sadly there aren’t enough inches in this column to break down every single sports term and its immediate meaning. Instead the focus here will be to breakdown the backhanded complements of sports that share the airwaves with Michael and Kelly.

The first term that deserves decoding is the term ‘glue guy.’ Usually this term comes up primarily in basketball, although baseball and hockey see this term in their word banks occasionally. The player’s relevance to the team is usually brought up when Skip Bayless or Stephen A. Smith are in the middle of debating who the better team is.

What a ‘glue guy will’ most commonly be defined as is a mediocre player whose primary function is to be a catalyst to improve team chemistry. In the NBA guys like Derrick Fisher of the Oklahoma City Thunder would be a good example.

Back in Fisher’s heyday with the Los Angles Lakers from 2000-2004 he averaged roughly eleven points per game and his signature moment was a falling away ‘there-is-no-possible-way-this-shot-should-go-in-but-why-the-hell-not’ three pointer in the 2004 playoffs.

Nowadays Fisher is a backup guard who will occasionally hit a three point shot; that is if he has enough space to read “War and Peace” before a defender gets to him.

Talking heads and journalists will reward the ‘glue guy’ term to a good teammate who can’t produce on the court anymore in order to get good quotes from him after the game. Everyone who follows Fisher knows that he hasn’t averaged more than ten points per game since 2008 and hasn’t been a reliable defender since 2005.

Yet because Fisher is a nice guy who serves as an important catalyst for team chemistry, nobody is going to outright say Fisher sucks. Instead they give him the backhanded complement of being a ‘glue guy.’

Synonyms for glue guy include ‘hustle player’, ‘hard worker’, or any player description that includes the word grit. 

Now the sports terminology translation station will break down what it means to ‘turn back the hands of time.’ This phrase will make appearances from football to hockey and every sport in between.

When a player ‘turns back the hands of time’ he or she is an older player who is statistically producing similarly to when they were in their prime. Anyone who has watched ESPN in the last two weeks has heard this term applied to Kobe Bryant after two historically great (40 plus points and 12 plus assists) games in a row.

Although the black mamba deserves the praise, there is a bit of bile in pundits saying Kobe turning back the hands of time.

For one thing that phrase is a not so subtle reminder that Bryant has played in the NBA for 17 seasons and is 34 years of age. Kobe being an experienced NBA player is not necessarily a bad thing because certain players do get better with age; like a fine vino.

Still nobody likes to be reminded that they are not as young as they once were and Bryant probably doesn’t want to be reminded that the last championship he won was in 2009-2010. He is still a good player who happens to be up there in years.

While there are no synonyms for the phrase ‘turning back the hands of time’ although there is probably one daylight savings time joke in there somewhere.

Another term to break down depicts the constant breaking down of athletes’ bodies.

When a player frequently gets hurt over the course of their career they are plagued with the dreadful ‘injury prone label.’ This term is also not sport specific and has more people fit the bill than in a casting call for Les Miserable.

Perhaps one of the most drastic cases of an ‘injury prone’ player would be former Boston Red Sox outfielder and vanilla ice cream substitute J.D. Drew.

Over the course of his career, the infamous Drew missed roughly 96 games per year during a five year span in Boston. The injuries ranged from a strained lower back to sore knees to ouchies that saw Drew out of the Red Sox lineup a total of 606 regular season games with the Red Sox.

Drew missed so much time due to injury that the fan base of Red Sox nation not only questioned the severity of Drew’s injuries, but also assigned him the dubious (but hilarious) nickname of “Nancy Drew.”

Synonyms for injury prone include ‘just can’t seem to stay healthy,’ ‘injury plagued,’ ‘soft,’ ‘frail’ or in the most extreme circumstances ‘quitter.’

While ‘injury prone’ is by far the most condescending term that the translation station has defined perhaps the most loaded term would be ‘trade bait.’

Players who are ‘trade bait’ are athletes that a franchise is looking to get rid of in return for other players, draft picks, cash, or some combination of the three.

On the surface that doesn’t sound so bad because ‘trade bait’ implies that the player openly being shopped has value. However, the notion that a player is expendable decreases his overall value to the team and therefore some could have a lower opinion of his or her production.

Before the NBA trade deadline this year Los Angeles Clipper guard Eric Bledsoe was mentioned in more rumors than Kris Humphries and his wife.

Bledsoe put up good numbers for his team off the bench for the Clips (21 minutes, nine points, three rebounds, and three assists per game) was a player with the potential to get better (age 23) and was a part of the deepest team in the NBA.

So the Clippers tried to dangle Bledsoe as trade bait in order to lure that final piece to make a championship run this season. Bledsoe ultimately didn’t get traded and now his value has depreciated because of the Clips openly willing to bargain for Bledsoe.

The biggest reason that being acknowledged as trade bait is partially condescending is because it can hurt the psyche of a player. If a player has to hear that his or her name is being discussed in trade rumors then it automatically becomes a distraction to the team.

Instead of worrying about winning, trade bait players like Bledsoe have to answer questions about how they are dealing with the rumors of their impending departure. 

The free trial in ESPNeese is now over. Hopefully now the language of sports is a bit easier to translate. 

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