Saturday, June 22, 2013

This Doc is Out

As trade talks with the Clippers collapse under the weight of Donald Sterling’s ignorance, Doc Rivers’ desire to leave has Celtic fans feeling sick to their stomachs.

The Los Angeles Clippers were not willing to part with DeAndre Jordan and two first round draft picks for Kevin Garnett and one of the NBA’s best coaches. While Rivers does have fond memories of  L.A. during  his playing career, he made his intentions clear he no longer wants to call Boston his home during the season.

As one would guess neither the Standells nor the fans approve of Doc’s change of heart.

Callers have flooded sports talk radio with a torrent of bad things to say about Doc and his waning loyalty. Couple Rivers wanting to leave with the team-city unity the Boston Bruins have going on and Doc’s desire to leave becomes harder to swallow.

Even though the cry for a disloyal coach to vacate the franchise can be heard from Summer Street the Celtics can’t afford to lose Doc simply because he has accomplished so much.

Rivers has the sixth highest winning percentage in Celtics history. Only Red Aurbach has more playoff wins than Doc. And most notably Rivers brought Boston a championship in 2008.

The good times felt so long ago didn’t they?

Although coach Rivers is a master of diagnosing defenses even this doc does not have a cure for aging stars. Paul Pierce is 35 years old and needs a stepstool to get off a jump shot. Garnett is 37 and battled ankle issues as recently as this season. Couple two burning out stars with a young point guard who plays for the highlight reels rather than the wins and it makes sense why Doc deems this team incurable.

Yet for Celtics fans that doesn’t make it hurt any less.

While it is clear that the window on this Celtics group has closed fans thought they had Rivers in place as the architect that constructed a new contender. Rivers’ five year 35 million dollar extension back in 2011 had Celtics faithful dreaming of Doc dialing up plays for Rajon Rondo and company for years to come.

Somewhere in the sweltering heat of summer that loyalty evaporated like ice cream on the beach.  

By flirting with the Clippers Doc has created a riff with the Celtics faithful that cannot be cured by going to Rite-Aid and filling out a prescription. Yes the Clippers are in a better position to make a run for a championship today. Yes questions about the C’s ability to build around Rondo are legitimate. And yes, even with Doc being in charge a rebuilding Celtics team would likely suffer a losing season or two.

It just hurt the Celtics faithful being forced to picture Doc departing for greener pastures.

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